Bibsey Digs

Of books and blogs and other things that Bibsey just digs. A work is progress as you can see.

Having been on the blogging block for over a year now I have ‘met’ (in the virtual sense) some absolutely fabulous people who blog. Now I do not want to crawl too far up anyone’s arses… but here is the list of blogswelike for pant-wetting laughs, for eye-watering honesty, for beautiful pictures and for plain old fashioned neighbourliness.

A Bavarian Sojourn

Actually Mummy

Adventures of a middle-aged matron

Asturian Diary

Bod for Tea

Cocktails at Naptime

Defining Moves


Five Go Blogging

Helloitsgemma’s Blog

Here Come The Girls

Kate Takes 5

Losing My Lemons

Mañana Mama




Melksham Mum


Mum of One

Mummy Mishaps

Mummy’s Little Monkey

Mummy Mummy Mum

Mum’s Mutterings

Notes From Home

Older Mum (in a muddle)

Pink Oddy’s Blog


Quiero Milk


Rilly Roos

@SAHDandproud v2.0

Scribbler in Seville

The Rhythm of Life 

Very Bored in Catalunya

Yellow Days

Websites we can’t live without (apart from the obvious giants of the internet)

Your Expat Child

Love all Blogs
